
GI2MO is not only delivers an ontology but also a data model of a generic Idea Management System and instructions how to apply Semantic Web technologies to achieve a complete solution.

1. Introduction
One of the good practices of the Semantic Web is to reuse ontologies to name common concepts and move towards a state where different domains are interlinked both through common namespaces and references between the data.

In case of Idea Management this could lead to easier integration with other enterprise management systems such as PLM, PLCM, ERP etc.; development and engineering tools (e.g. bug tracking systems, IDEs); social spaces (popular portals such as Twitter or Facebook). GI2MO aims to follow this trend, however within reason. To create and apply the ontology we constructed a generic data model for the Idea Management system based on doamin study and selected a number of concepts to model with Idea Management domain ontology and a limited number with other.

2. Idea Life Cycle and Actors
The modern Idea Management Systems attempt to build their workflow around the concept of Idea Management as a repeatable process. To achieve that Idea Life Cycle has been defined and its phases have been specified to formalize the domain. However, depending on the product or research project those cycles sometimes have slight differences, both in naming and cycles amount or definition. In our research we have assumed the following organization and notation of the Idea Life Cycle:

  • Idea Generation
  • Idea Improvement
  • Idea Selection
  • Idea Implementation
  • Idea Deployment

Each of the phases can defines different actors and operations (see Fig. 1) that in turn produce different data that enriches idea and connected assets in different ways.

Fig.1 Idea Life Cycle and actors involved in the process.

3. Reference Idea Management System data model

Fig.2 GI2MO Data Model Overview

4. Ontologies Used
The coverage of the GI2MO data model is split in between GI2MO ontology and popular domain or core ontologies that are result of other research (Fig.3).

Fig.3 Coverage of GI2MO Generic Idea Management Data Model

Table 1. Imported ontologies & properties used for mapping concepts of the generic data model

Ontology Name Classes Properties
dcterms dcterms:title, dcterms:created, dcterms:description
DOAP doap:project ….
FOAF foaf:OnlineAccount ….
Scot scot:Tag ….
Tags Tags:tagging ….