Using Gi2MO in deliberation platforms

Posted By on February 21, 2012

The primary focus of Gi2MO is to run investigation in the area of Idea Management Systems. However, when presented an opportunity, we are eager to engage in new areas where our expertise can be of service. We would like to bring to light one of such projects that used our Idea Management knowledge model for data integration in deliberation systems.

In particular, we teamed up with a greek company called IMC Technologies that leads the eDialogos project – a social networking platform that allows to organize discussions, manage problem areas on various topics and reach a consensus in a collaborative way.

As part of our research, we aided IMC to apply the Gi2MO ontology for modeling the innovation processes that emerge during problem-solving discussions. In practice, this entailed connecting ideas with problems in a distributed network of deliberation systems. For preliminary results of our joint work please refer to the eDialogos Consensus ontology specification.

For more details on the positioning of Idea Management technologies in deliberation systems see a publication called “Semantics-powered Virtual Communities and Open Innovation for a Structured Deliberation Process” by George Anadiotis et al. (or related presentation slides).


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