Info: ------ Gi2MO Relationship Visualizer is a web application that allows to display relationships between ideas on a chart based on RDF/XML data export from an Idea Management System. The goal of the application is to visualise relationship annotations made according to Gi2MO Links proposal ( Additionally, the prototype demonstrates usage of RDF and Gi2MO ontology as solutions for data portability between different web platforms. Relationship Visualizer can work in conjunction with IdeaStream and IdeaStream Similarity. To provide the RDF/XML exports that the visualizer requires use RDFme module ( For details on how to prepare the mappings from IdeaStream data into Gi2MO Ontology see the RDFme mappings tutorial ( and Gi2MO Ontology specification ( Software requirements: -------------- - http server with PHP support (e.g. Apache http server) - SQL server (e.g. MySQL) with a database that can serve to store ARC2 triple store information Installation/config guide: --------------------------- 1. Directory and file list: - arc2/ - arc2 library for processing RDF/XML in the backend to store the idea relationship data for persistence over sessions and caching - css/ - stylesheets from the related javascript libraries - js/ - related javascript libraries and the main gi2mo_relationship_vis.js script that implements generating the charts with D3 library - img/ - images for the relationship script UI - style.css - stylesheet file for the gi2mo_relationship_vis script - test_data.rdf - a test file that can be used to demonstrate the script. It contains a number of sample ideas with associated relationships. 2. Configuration: - copy files into a desired directory in the http server - create a new database in your SQL server that will be used to store idea and relationship information by ARC2 triple store library - edit the arc2/relationship_vis_backend.php file to insert you SQL database information (lines 19-22) Usage guide: ------------- 1. Script execution: The script is executed from w Web browser using one of the following: Loading new data: http:///gi2mo_relationship_vis/gi2mo_relation_vis.php?reload=1&url= Regular usage: http:///gi2mo_relationship_vis/gi2mo_relation_vis.php 2. Script Parameter Overview: - filter - relationship type to show on the chart - reload - =1 if new RDF data is supposed to be loaded into the script backed (ARC2), otherwise =0 - url - the url address of the RDF file to be loaded into the ARC2 backend and used for visualisation () Example (browse Alternative Ideas): Example (loading new RDF data): 3. Loading Relationship information: - the script requires as input an RDF/XML file formatted according to the Gi2MO Ontology guidelines ( - the file has to be specified only once, afterwards the data will be cached in the backend database - each time you want to reset the data and load new information use reload=1 and url= parameters (this can be also used to constantly refresh the web datasets that are being automatically updated e.g. RDFme XML dumps) Input file structure overview: ------------------------------- The input file should be written in RDF/XML ( and formatted according to the Gi2MO Ontology guidelines ( For best performance trim the file to contain only the required information: - idea title (dcterms:title) - idea creation date (dcterms:created) - idea description text (gi2mo:content) - idea relationship information (gi2mo:hasDuplicate, gi2mo:extends, gi2mo:hasSimilar etc.) Example: 2013-01-31T16:24:41Z My idea is to build a relationship visualizer Make some sort of script to generate a graphical overview of relationships between ideas in the IMS system http://localhost/test_data/idea/2/tordf http://localhost/test_data/idea/3/tordf http://localhost/test_data/idea/4/tordf http://localhost/test_data/idea/5/tordf http://localhost/test_data/idea/6/tordf 2013-01-31T16:24:41Z A javascript for gi2mo links relations charting I've been using IdeaStream similarity for quite some time and i the amount of relationships is starting to be quite overwhelming. It would be nice to have a lightweight javascript tool that would plot all data onto a chart and allow to have a quick overview of the stats. http://localhost/test_data/idea/1/tordf ... The supported relationship types are those of Gi2MO Links hierarchy ( - gi2mo:isAlternativeIdea - gi2mo:isAlternativeSolution - gi2mo:complements - gi2mo:details - gi2mo:isDisjoint - gi2mo:hasDuplicate - gi2mo:excludes - gi2mo:isExtendedBy - gi2mo:generalizes - gi2mo:isDuplicateOf - gi2mo:extends - gi2mo:describesRelatedObject - gi2mo:hasSimilar Credits & License: ------------------- The application has been developed by Pablo Moncada for the Gi2MO Project ( and a spanish government funded project THOFU ( The source code is licensed with GPL and can be freely reused. For any feedback and requests please refer to Gi2MO project: or specifically Gi2MO Relationship Visualizer subpage for additional information: