Article in Decision Support Systems journal on innovation models for Idea Management Systems
Posted By admin on January 5, 2013
For some time now we have been gradually sharing our research on innovation classification, taxonomies and metrics based on innovation models taken from Innovation Management practices. Most notably, we have presented:
- Gi2MO Types taxonomy – a set of terms for domain independent categorisation of ideas. The taxonomy consists of over 70 terms organised in 4 branches: idea trigger, innovation, proposal type and object.
- Gi2MO Types metrics – a model for transforming taxonomy annotations into metrics that measure the performance and characteristics of your Idea Management System.
- Integration with IdeaStream – both proposals have been integrated into our open-source Idea Management System: IdeaStream. The base module supports display of annotations and taxonomy import, while IdeaStream Analytics allows to calculate the metrics.
Today, we would like to reveal another peace of the puzzle – results of experiments on the usage of our Gi2MO Types taxonomy.
Our article entitled “Classifying and Comparing Community Innovation in Idea Management Systems” has just been accepted for publication in the Decision Support Systems journal so we are proud to bring you the preprint version (the final version will be made available by the publisher soon).
Some insights of what is available in the article:
- discussion of the theoretical grounding of the taxonomy in Innovation Management science and models defined so far
- in-depth description on how to caluculate the Gi2MO Types metrics and use entropy for idea dataset similarity analysis
- experiments (A): automatic annotation (machine learning) and manual annotation experiments with the taxonomy.
- experiments (B): evaluation of metrics for comparison four major datasets (Dell, Starbucks, Ubuntu and Cisco). Comparison with existing IMS performance metrics (comment count, up/down rating etc.)
If any of the above are within your interests please find the preprint version of the article in Gi2MO Docs section. The electronic version of the corrected proof currently in press is also available from the publisher on science direct website.