New Paper on Idea Life Cycle and Data Dependencies

Posted By on October 19, 2011

We are happy to announce another publication from Gi2MO project – “The road from community ideas to organisational innovation: a life cycle survey of idea management systems“.

Contrary to the previous ones, this publication is less connected to Semantic Web topics and is more of an introduction to Idea Management Systems. In particular, we present our take on the concept of idea life cycle and the results of research on data dependencies created during different stages of the life cycle. If you follow the updates on Gi2MO website carefully, you will notice that the article is a significantly extended version of what we have posted before in our Model section when talking about ontology deployment.

The concept of Idea Life Cycle in Idea Management Systems.

The paper has been published by Inderscience in a special issue of the International Journal of Web Based Communities. You can get the full paper in a pdf format from our server or if you wish to see the entire journal volume head over to the publisher website.

Full article information for citations:
Adam Westerski, Carlos A. Iglesias & Tadhg Nagle. (2011). The Road from Community Ideas to Organisational Innovation: A Life Cycle Survey of Idea Management Systems. International Journal of Web Based Communities, Vol. 7, No.4 pp. 493 – 506, [pdf] [publisher]

OPAL now a Drupal project

Posted By on September 25, 2011

A small announcement related to one of the modules developed by us in relation to Marl ontology and the usage of opinion mining in Idea Management Systems. The OPAL (Opinion Analyser) module has been promoted from a sandbox project to a full project at the Drupal homepage. The function of the module is to calculate the polarity of user opinions (good, bad etc.) attached to ideas as comments.

Any future releases of the plugin shall continue to be published in the Apps section of the Gi2MO homepage, however the Drupal page shall be used for maintaining the source code and development pre-releases of the module, as well as gathering related bug reports. On a practical note, all of this means that the source code of the module is much more clean now and it should be easier to reuse it or modify to suit your needs!

For details head over to the OPAL dedicated subpage in the Drupal portal. Credits for cleaning up the code and waging the struggle for getting the module up to the standards of Drupal projects go to Fernando Tapia Rico.

As a reminder: Marl and linking opinions for Idea Management and Linked Data cloud is going to be presented in about three weeks during the ISWC 2011 conference.

Using Gi2MO Types with IdeaStream

Posted By on September 18, 2011

Some time ago we introduced a new view on classification of ideas. Now we would like to show how to use it together with our open-source Idea Management solution IdeaStream. In addition, this is going to be an example how IdeaStream can be easily extended using other Drupal modules to reach new functionalities that we did not quite foresee ourselves.

The goal is to be able to easily import Gi2MO Types into IdeaStream and later have a convenient method of annotating ideas. Here are the things you are going to need:

Firstly, install taxonomy import/export module – it allows to create Drupal taxonomy terms automatically using information from xml, rdf, csv etc. In our case we are going to use a slightly modified Gi2MO Types RDF/XML (the owl classes need to be replaced with RDFS classes because of module limitations). Before importing terms create a new vocabulary (Administer/Content Management/Taxonomy/Add vocabulary) called ‘Idea Classification’ and assign it to ‘Idea’ content type . Afterwards import the terms to the created vocabulary using the provided RDF/XML file.

Gi2MO Types taxonomy imported into IdeaStream.

After the taxonomy is imported it would be nice to have a convenient way of browsing rather a big tree of terms. For this goal we propose Hierarchical Select module. It allows to navigate the taxonomy in a visually appealing way and quite time effective at the same time. For the needs of IdeaStream activate modules: ‘Hierarchical Select’ and ‘Hierarchical Select Taxonomy’. Next in vocabulary settings (Administer/Content Management/Taxonomy) enable the hierarchical select widget for ‘Idea Classification’ vocabulary (enable ‘dropbox’ to allow annotation with multiple terms).

Gi2MO Types taxonomy in use for annotating an idea with Hierarchical Select module.

Having installed the module you can try to create a new idea or edit an existing one and see how the updated IdeaStream theme nicely integrates with the new taxonomy selection features and displaying new idea characteristics!

Idea annotated with terms from Gi2MO Types taxonomy (single idea view).

The display of characteristics can be customised based on users role in the Drupal permission panel (so for example you can hide them for regular users and only make available for reviewers etc.).

Gi2MO going to ISWC 2011 in October

Posted By on September 7, 2011

Although we just got back from the EDOC 2011, we are already happy to announce another presentation. We are going to give a talk at the 4th international workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2011) collocated with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011) in Bonn, Germany.

This time, however, we are not going to focus on the Gi2MO project but on a spin-off announced earlier – a subproject called Marl. The talk is going to introduce the ontology for publishing and expressing opinions in form of metedata annotations on the Web. We are going to share the insights of the building process of the ontology and put most focus on the evaluation activities.

The conference will take place during 23 – 27 October 2011 and the workshop will be held on 23rd of October. Check this post back after the conference for our presentation slides and the paper. For now, you might want to head over to the Marl project page to check out the details of the work.

Optionally, take a look at our OPAL plugin that implements the use of opinion mining in practice, read our writeup on modelling opinions for Idea Management Systems or take a quick look at the diagram below that explains connection between modelling user opinions and Idea Management.

Modelling and processing user opinion metadata for Idea Management Systems.

Update: We provide the presentation slides and the accepted version of the paper that is later also going to be published in the proceedings of the SDoW2011 workshop in CEUR service:

  • presentation slides [PDF]
  • paper accepted for the SDoW2011 workshop [PDF]

Gi2MO teams up with IMIS on automatic annotation of ideas

Posted By on August 18, 2011

As part of our research on Gi2MO Types we investigate different ways of annotating ideas with their characteristics. With relation to this area we are happy to introduce a new partner that will collaborate with the Gi2MO project.

The team of doctor Theodore Dalamagas from the Institute for the Management of Information Systems is going to contribute their experience with automatic annotation and help us experiment with different technologies and solutions to see which ones could fit specifics of Idea Management Systems.

In particular we are going kick off our collaboration by taking a look at the machine learning approaches and experimenting with the GoNTogle solution developed by Nikos Bikakis and Giorgos Giannopoulos to take a look at how successful it can be when it comes to automatic annotation of ideas.

Gi2MO Types: A New Way for Idea Classification

Posted By on August 8, 2011

Today we introduce a new branch of research of the Gi2MO project. To put it as simple as possible Gi2MO Types is a taxonomy for classification of ideas. The goal is to extend the amount of information that describes the ideas in an Idea Management System.

During our research on the Gi2MO Ontology we noticed that the data that we posses is quite simple and the analytical possibilities that it brings are quite narrow. On the other hand performing the activities of rating ideas with various business metrics and judging their value in alignement to certain environment is rather a difficult task that requires expert knowledge.

Therefore, Gi2MO Types is an attempt to deliver a framework for attaching new characteristics to ideas that could bring much better results than the contemporary methods in areas such as: clustering, statistics and even ranking or similarity measure.

The central point of our philosophy when it comes to characterising ideas is:

Every idea that was proposed has been triggered by a particular experience and describes a certain innovation put in context of application in a given object.

If you are interested in how we transformed this hypothesis into a technical implementation of the taxonomy head over to the taxonomy specification. On the other hand, if you would like to see a sneak peak of how the taxonomy can be used to bring some real benefits and what is our vison of utilising it for Idea Management Systems check out a leaflet that we prepared to explain the emerging possibilities in an accessible way.

Furthermore, if you are interested in applying the taxonomy into some particular dataset or scenario feel free to contact us – we would be happy to assist and extend our research to improve the taxonomy.

Gi2MO to be presented at VORTE 2011 workshop

Posted By on June 14, 2011

We are happy to announce yet another presentation of Gi2MO. This time it’s going to be during the 6th edition of the International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE).

The presentation shall be entitled: “Exploiting Structured Linked Data in Enterprise Knowledge Management Systems: An Idea Management Case Study“. It is going to focus on the topic of extracting idea metrics from other enterprise systems that we already outlined previously on the Gi2MO website.

The workshop is going to be part of the Fifteenth IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC). The presentation is going to take place on the 30 of August in Helsinki, Finland. Similar as with all the other presentations we are going to upload the slides and the paper after the event. The full EDOC programme can be found on the conference website.

Update: As promised we provide the presentation slides and the accepted version of the paper that is later going to be published in the IEEE proceedings of the conference:

  • presentation slides [PDF]
  • paper accepted for the VORTE workshop [PDF]

Gi2MO presentation at ESWC 2011

Posted By on June 6, 2011

As announced earlier Gi2MO results were presented during the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference in Greece/Heraklion. The conference was held between May 29th – June 2th, with the Gi2MO presentation on 31st of May.

Gi2MO was shown during the poster session hosted as a part the conference. The paper was targeted for the PhD Symposium so the focus was oriented less towards the products (as in software) and more into the main research questions and particularities of applying Semantic Web in Idea Management for solving some of the problems that we cope with in this area.

For more information please refer to:

  • poster in low resolution [PNG] or high resolution [PNG]
  • paper related to the poster and PhD Symphosium [PDF]

How to get more idea metrics without forcing new obligations on inventors

Posted By on March 13, 2011

In Gi2MO apart of our core research on the ontology for Idea Management Systems we investigate other problems of the domain and techniques to obtain valuable data.

Our recent experiments have turned into use of Natural Language Processing techniques to analyse the textual content submitted by the users. We would like to present a prototype module for Drupal that analyses comments submitted for ideas and calculates the opinions of users thus delivering a new tool for ranking both ideas and idea comments.

OPAL plugin in use on the ETSIT Ideas International instance.

Furthermore, keeping to the spirit of Gi2MO project, we propose to describe this information with an appropriate ontology, link with other data and finally publish it online in a structured form. For more information on how to do it and why it could be good head over to a dedicated subpage with an introduction to the topic. Optionally, if you just want to get your hands on the module asap, check out the updated Apps section.

Surfing the Waves of Innovation: On Idea Management and Google Wave Integration

Posted By on March 4, 2011

As part of experiments for the Resulta project we are working on research how to use social collaborative platforms to improve interaction between consulting companies and their clients. From the point of view of Gi2MO project we are investigating how Idea Management Systems can help in this ecosystem.

Today we would like to present a very simple demo from some of our initial works – integration between Google Wave platform and Idea Management System based on Semantic Web technologies. For this aim we constructed a plugin for Wave that allows to export data in RDF/XML and on demand send it to a Idea Management System as a new idea submission.

The functionality of the plugin is very simple yet it fulfils it’s job to integrate the data between two totally separate systems and add a new stream of ideas for Idea Management. In addition, the plugin shows in practice the functionality of RDFme REST services and proves how easy it is to integrate two systems when the Semantic Web technologies are in place.

Credits for developing and putting together this demo go to: Miguel Nieto Peña. If you just want to see how it works check out the screen cast below, for more details continue to the dedicated page for our Google Wave plugin in our apps section.