Gi2MO to be presented at ESWC 2011

Posted By on February 25, 2011

Our conference calendar this year shall be opened with the 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference in Greece/Heraklion. The conference will be held between May 29th – June 2th.

Gi2MO will be presented at the PhD Symposium hosted during the conference. The focus shall be oriented less towards the products that we produced and more into the main research questions and problems of applying Semantic Web in Idea Management.

The exact time and day will be announced as the conference approaches.

Update 1: Gi2MO is going to be presented during the poster session held on 31st of May. For details of the conference program see the conference homepage.

Update 2: See a new blog post with the materials that we presented during the conference.

Gi2MO Idea Stream going open-source

Posted By on February 19, 2011

Today we are pleased to announce something different than usual. In parallel to our research on Semantic Web, we decided to do some pure development work and as a result we came up creating a Drupal module that turns this popular CMS into an Idea Management System!

Gi2MO IdeaStream does not involve too much custom coding that changes Drupal core in a major way, it is rather a module that will automatically reconfigure all the customisable features of Drupal and some additional modules (e.g. create content types, custom views, add new forms etc.). Also it delivers a basic theme that overhauls the normal Drupal look to give a bit more Idea Management like flavour.

For the first version we decided to release only the basic features but you can expect frequent updates that will give more functionality.

Our intension with creating IdeaStream was to have an open Idea Management base platform that can be used for showing and providing to others our research results on Semantic Idea Management. However….feel free to use it in any form you wish!

For a quick demo take a look at Gi2MO Ideas instance reveled last week. If you just want to get the installation package and read details on the capabilities of IdeaStream, traditionally, check it out in our Gi2MO Apps!

Enter Gi2MO Ideas

Posted By on February 13, 2011

We would like to share the exciting news about a new addition to the Gi2MO website. This time we are lunching our very own Idea Management facility! The goal is to collect and organize the verity of ideas related to the evolution of the Gi2MO project, directions for the future research, development etc.

Contrary to the previous Idea Management we did for the university this time we are using entirely our own solution. It’s based on similar technologies (the core is a modified Drupal 6.x) which means all our previous modules and apps are fully supported and the new instance is already RDFized !

On a side note, the very module that we used to customize Drupal and bring it as an idea management system is going to be released really soon. So keep an eye out for more news incoming on our project blog.

For now, if you would like to take a look or perhaps be one of the first to post some interesting ideas head over to Gi2MO Idea Stream and check it out!

Idea RDF Browser v2 released!

Posted By on January 17, 2011

Today we are pleased to release a new version of Idea Browser – a tool made in Gi2MO project to show visualisations of distributed data from many Idea Management Systems.

Apart of bug fixes and small improvements here and there, the major additions are:

  • Improved speed and better efficiency – now the Idea Browser can handle much bigger RDF files! We completely reworked the visualisation engine and RDF handling by moving the processing heavy tasks to the backend.
  • Possibility to scale and zoom in/out of the visualisation.
  • Feature to export large resolution screenshots of the full visualisation (useful if the visualisation exceeds display resolution)
  • Added legend tab that gives additional details about the visualisation (min/max number of mined values etc.)

To tickle your interest, as a sneak peak we would like to show what can be done with the new version. Have you ever wondered how 1000 ideas would look like on single screen? Well, wonder no more! Check out some of the visualisations made form data of real Idea Management instances available online:

Visualisation of Adobe Acrobat Ideas (579 Ideas/ 20k RDF triples).

Visualisation of Cisco I-Prize (826 Ideas/ 133k RDF triples).

As usual for source code, demos and binaries head to our Gi2MO Apps section. For convenience we still maintain the old version source code and demos as well. All credits for delivering the current version go to Idea Browser main developer Fernando Tapia Rico.

Publishing Idea Management metadata in public vs. maintaining it private

Posted By on December 15, 2010

One of the trends in the current Semantic Web community and also something that is starting to gain traction in the World Wide Web is the notion to publish data in the open in a structured form (e.g. see Opening Up Government or Linking Open Data projects).

In our recent research we have put most of our effort into applying Semantic Web technologies for internal corporate systems, however we would also like to advocate publishing (parts) of structured Idea Management data into the open. With the implementation of metadata annotations as proposed by Gi2MO this costs very little additional effort but surely the question is: what benefits can it actually deliver and how could it work?

Public vs. private metadata.

Here are some very simple yet practical examples that visualise the potential benefit that publishing open data could bring to Idea Management Platforms:

  • Link and reference idea data in other platforms. Publishing data in the open can enable other systems (e.g. social networks) to use and reference information like ideas from a particular Idea Management System in a much more rich way then just simple URL linking. An example of how it can be successfully used for business is Facebook Opengraph and the “Like” feature. A small example of how open data could be used in idea management for referencing information has been already shown by us in a blog post as well as published in the apps section.
  • Improve positioning and visibility in the search engines. Although publishing web metadata (either Semantic Web or other standards) cannot be considered as a popular activity it is certainly known that its usage is strongly researched by search engine companies. One of the proposals that could potentially provide a winning argument for publishing metadata is its influence on how search results are rendered. In comparison to regular results the websites enriched with metadata have rich snippets that display more and better information (e.g. rich Google snippets or in the past Yahoo SearchMonkey). For Idea Management indexing particular ideas and their metadata could lead to more attractive presentation in search engines thus increasing popularity and views number (see a concept how it could look like).
  • Creative usage of data in dedicated desktop and web applications. Planning and carefully steering the usage of data can bring good results but practice and history of Internet shows that often communities and individual people discover and popularize datasets and services in ways that their original creators could never dream of. One of the currently popular examples of this is creating mashups based on open data and APIs.

Gi2MO Ontology v4: towards the Enterprise Linked Data

Posted By on December 5, 2010

After quite some time spent on applications that support the Gi2MO project, we get back to the roots. Today we publish the next iteration of Gi2MO ontology!

The most important update is the inclusion of various properties connected to linking data of Idea Management Systems with information coming from other enterprise systems and the publicly available data. If you are interested to know more on this topic, be sure to check the new addition to our model section about linking enterprise data.

For details on what exactly changed in the ontology and what is new head over to the updated ontology specification document.

A lot of updates for one day ? That’s not all ! During our research on linked data we created a new app that would enable to exploit the metrics mined from enterprise systems. For a demo and full source code head over to Idea Analyst dedicated webpage. The version that we share today is just an early research prototype to give you a sneak peak of what we are preparing to come very soon!

GI2MO Apps unveiled

Posted By on October 15, 2010

As hinted in earlier posts we present a new section to the project webpage: Gi2MO Apps!

The page is intended to serve as a hub that aggregates all software prototypes produced during our experiments and other applications that we release as showcase for our research.

To keep everything in place: the blog will continue to be used for announcements of new stuff and research insight articles, while the apps page shall be a stable resource that contains individual pages per each software package, gives access to source code, installation instructions etc.

At the beginning we start with a few apps that were discussed in the previous blog posts (most notably the RDF plugin for wordpress and the UI for idea browsing). However, as we continue our strugge for semantically empowered Idea Management on many fronts, you can expect a variety of regular updates to the apps section!

ETSITIdeas full in RDF and powered by GI2MO!

Posted By on October 11, 2010

Finally, after numerous tests and improvements we have installed RDF support at our proof-of-concept Idea Management instance.

The entire data structure of ETSITIdeas is now exported to RDF which is constructed following the Gi2MO ontology rules. We have implemented two options:

  • access to the full dump of the idea management instance
  • access to individual metadata annotations for each node like idea, comment, user profile, idea contest etc. (see RDF example for a sample idea)

Reading all of this one might wonder, whats the benefit in any of it? For a long answer we encourage to look at our use cases section. For an immediate answer about the benefit of publishing open data we present a small toy script that generates snippets for links to ideas based on their RDF! If you missed the link in the previous parahraph here’s another example: idea link.

Behind the scenes what you can see at the moment in action on ETSITIdeas is in fact our own implementation of a RDF import/export plugin for Drupal. ETSITIdeas is based on Drupal content management platform and we took the time to prepare a specially flavoured RDF powerhouse with special focus on features required in Idea Management and ontology research in general. Stay tuned for big news incoming soon as we plan to publish this plugin to public!

On a side note, we have also slightly refreshed the frontpage of ETSITIdeas to make it more user friendly !

GI2MO, embeddable metadata and content rendering

Posted By on August 1, 2010