Ontology (Printer Friendly Version)

Gi2MO Ontology Specification
V0.6 - 12 December 2012
- Introduction
- Gi2MO ontology at a glance
- Gi2MO ontology overview
- Cross-reference for Gi2MO classes and properties
- idea generation (facilities for submitting ideas)
- idea improvement (usually Web 2.0 facilities to modify ideas in collaborative environment)
- idea assessment (idea analysis, assessment and selection tools, e.g. diagrams and reports)
- idea implementation (lightweight project management tools or integration with more complex suits)
- idea deployment (analysis of business metrics related to products based on ideas from IM process, e.g. ROI)
- enable to publish raw data from Idea Management Systems online and in compliance with current and future Internet trends
- interconnect Idea Management assets with other resources (projects, product metrics, basic knowledge management concepts)
- utilise all above to enhance current idea assessment capabilities with algorithms based on analysis of rich semantic descriptions of idea management assets
- IdeaStream Ontology - provides additional properties and classes for generating IMS data in a summarised form (e.g. useful for mobile devices where processing costs battery life or when sending data in low bandwidth networks)
- Gi2MO Wave Ontology - an example of extending base Gi2MO ontology to suit a particular business model for IMS. The ontology includes new ways of idea categorisation and classification of idea review (e.g. market analyses etc.).
- eDialogos Consensus - an ontology for argumentation systems, joins Gi2MO concepts together with ontologies for problem solving. Aside of modelling a social environment for posting and discussing over ideas, the ontology adds the notion of idea consensus, where participants argument pros and cos of ideas and produce a single final version together.
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:hasAccessRight
- gi2mo:isAccessControlOf
- gi2mo:hasMember
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasAccessContol
- gi2mo:isMemberOf
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasAccessRight
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:hasSubCategory
- gi2mo:hasTopCategory
- gi2mo:isCategoryOf
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasSubCategory
- gi2mo:hasTopCategory
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:isDescribedIn
- gi2mo:hasTagging
- gi2mo:describesPartOf
- gi2mo:isTopicOf
- gi2mo:hasSubmissionMethod
- gi2mo:isMergedInto
- gi2mo:isMergedFrom
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- gi2mo:hasContributor
- gi2mo:hasTag
- gi2mo:hasSimilar
- gi2mo:hasDuplicate
- gi2mo:content
- gi2mo:created
- gi2mo:hasAccessContol
- gi2mo:hasAttachment
- gi2mo:hasCategory
- gi2mo:hasComment
- gi2mo:hasCreator
- gi2mo:hasDescription
- gi2mo:hasIdeaContest
- gi2mo:hasMetric
- gi2mo:hasReview
- gi2mo:hasStatus
- gi2mo:hasVersionInfo
- gi2mo:primaryTopic
- gi2mo:complements
- gi2mo:currentVersion
- gi2mo:describesRelatedObject
- gi2mo:describesSameObject
- gi2mo:details
- gi2mo:excludes
- gi2mo:extends
- gi2mo:follows
- gi2mo:generalizes
- gi2mo:hasNextVersion
- gi2mo:hasPreviousVersion
- gi2mo:isAlternativeIdea
- gi2mo:isAlternativeSolution
- gi2mo:isDisjoint
- gi2mo:isDuplicateOf
- gi2mo:isExtendedBy
- gi2mo:proceeds
- gi2mo:title
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:isDescribedIn
- gi2mo:hasIdea
- gi2mo:describesPartOf
- gi2mo:isReviewOf
- gi2mo:isSubmissionMethodOf
- gi2mo:isContributorOf
- gi2mo:isMergedInto
- gi2mo:isMergedFrom
- gi2mo:isLinkedBy
- gi2mo:isTagOf
- gi2mo:isImplementationOf
- gi2mo:hasSimilar
- gi2mo:hasDuplicate
- gi2mo:isAccessControlOf
- gi2mo:isAttachmentOf
- gi2mo:isCategoryOf
- gi2mo:isCommentOf
- gi2mo:isCreatorOf
- gi2mo:isDescriptionOf
- gi2mo:isIdeaContestOf
- gi2mo:isMetricOf
- gi2mo:isStatusOf
- gi2mo:isVersionInfoOf
- gi2mo:complements
- gi2mo:describesRelatedObject
- gi2mo:describesSameObject
- gi2mo:details
- gi2mo:excludes
- gi2mo:extends
- gi2mo:follows
- gi2mo:generalizes
- gi2mo:hasNextVersion
- gi2mo:hasPreviousVersion
- gi2mo:isAlternativeIdea
- gi2mo:isAlternativeSolution
- gi2mo:isDisjoint
- gi2mo:isDuplicateOf
- gi2mo:isExtendedBy
- gi2mo:proceeds
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:isIdeaContestOf
- gi2mo:startDate
- gi2mo:endDate
- gi2mo:content
- gi2mo:created
- gi2mo:hasAccessContol
- gi2mo:hasAttachment
- gi2mo:hasComment
- gi2mo:hasCreator
- gi2mo:hasDescription
- gi2mo:hasMetric
- gi2mo:hasStatus
- gi2mo:hasVersionInfo
- gi2mo:primaryTopic
- gi2mo:title
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasIdeaContest
- gi2mo:isAccessControlOf
- gi2mo:isAttachmentOf
- gi2mo:isCommentOf
- gi2mo:isCreatorOf
- gi2mo:isDescriptionOf
- gi2mo:isMetricOf
- gi2mo:isStatusOf
- gi2mo:isVersionInfoOf
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:isStatusOf
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasStatus
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:hasIdea
- gi2mo:hasIdeaContest
- gi2mo:hasMetric
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:isIdeaContestOf
- gi2mo:isMetricOf
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:description
- gi2mo:hasComment
- gi2mo:isStatusOf
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasStatus
- gi2mo:isCommentOf
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:primaryTopic
- gi2mo:title
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:isMetricOf
- gi2mo:metricUnit
- gi2mo:metricValue
- gi2mo:hasCreator
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasMetric
- gi2mo:isCreatorOf
- sub-class-of:
- gi2mo:Rating
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:minRatingValue
- gi2mo:maxRatingValue
- sub-class-of:
- gi2mo:Review
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:ratingValue
- sub-class-of:
- gi2mo:Review
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:content
- sub-class-of:
- gi2mo:Rating
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:ratingDownValue
- gi2mo:ratingUpValue
- sub-class-of:
- foaf:OnlineAccount
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:isAccountOf
- gi2mo:isContributorOf
- gi2mo:hasAvatar
- gi2mo:isCreatorOf
- gi2mo:isEditorOf
- gi2mo:fullname
- gi2mo:lastName
- gi2mo:firstName
- gi2mo:ideasNumber
- gi2mo:mboxSha1sum
- gi2mo:postsNumber
- gi2mo:organizationPosition
- gi2mo:hasMetric
- gi2mo:isMemberOf
- gi2mo:primaryTopic
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasCreator
- gi2mo:hasContributor
- gi2mo:hasEditor
- gi2mo:hasMember
- gi2mo:isMetricOf
- in-domain-of:
- gi2mo:description
- gi2mo:hasMember
- gi2mo:isMemberOf
- gi2mo:title
- in-range-of:
- gi2mo:hasMember
- gi2mo:isMemberOf
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:AccessContolList
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:complements
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:extends
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Comment
- gi2mo:TextualReview
- gi2mo:Description
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:Description
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Comment
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- xsd:boolean
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isDescribedIn
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:describesRelatedObject
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasSimilar
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:describesSameObject
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasSimilar
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- gi2mo:UserGroup
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:SubmissionMethod
- Range:
- xsd:string
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:generalizes
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:complements
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- xsd:string
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:excludes
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:extends
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isExtendedBy
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:describesSameObject
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:proceeds
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Range:
- xsd:string
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:details
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:complements
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isAccessControlOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- gi2mo:AccessContolList
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:AccessContolList
- Range:
- gi2mo:AccessType
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isAttachmentOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Comment
- Range:
- gi2mo:Attachment
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Attachment
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isCategoryOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:Review
- Range:
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- skos:Concept
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isCommentOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:Comment
- gi2mo:Attachment
- Range:
- gi2mo:Comment
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isContributorOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isCreatorOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:Comment
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:Description
- gi2mo:Metric
- gi2mo:Attachment
- Range:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isDescriptionOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- gi2mo:Description
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasDuplicate
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isEditorOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Range:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isIdeaOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isIdeaContestOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem
- Range:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isImplementationOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:SubmissionMethod
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isMemberOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:AccessContolList
- gi2mo:UserGroup
- Range:
- gi2mo:User
- gi2mo:UserGroup
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isMetricOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:User
- gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem
- Range:
- gi2mo:Metric
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasPreviousVersion
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasPreviousVersionInfo
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Range:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isOriginOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasNextVersion
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasNextVersionInfo
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Range:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isReviewOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:Comment
- Range:
- gi2mo:Review
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasSimilar
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isStatusOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- gi2mo:IdeaContestStatus
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasTopCategory
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Category
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- Range:
- gi2mo:Category
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isSubmissionMethodOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:SubmissionMethod
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isSupplementOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Review
- Range:
- gi2mo:Review
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isTagOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- http://scot-project.org/scot/ns#Tag
- Inverse:
- http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/taggedResource
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- http://www.holygoat.co.uk/owl/redwood/0.1/tags/Tagging
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasSubCategory
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Category
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- Range:
- gi2mo:Category
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isVersionInfoOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasAccessContol
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:AccessContolList
- Range:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- foaf:account
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isAlternativeIdea
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:excludes
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isAlternativeSolution
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:excludes
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasAttachment
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Attachment
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasCategory
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- gi2mo:Category
- skos:Concept
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:Review
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasComment
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Comment
- Range:
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- gi2mo:Comment
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasContributor
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasCreator
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:Comment
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Description
- gi2mo:Metric
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:describesPartOf
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasDescription
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Description
- Range:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isDisjoint
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- OWL Type:
- SymmetricProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasDuplicate
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:describesSameObject
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasEditor
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Range:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:extends
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:describesSameObject
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasIdeaContest
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasIdea
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasImplementation
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:linksTo
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasMember
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- gi2mo:UserGroup
- Range:
- gi2mo:AccessContolList
- gi2mo:UserGroup
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isMergedInto
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isMergedFrom
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasMetric
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Metric
- Range:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:User
- gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasOrigin
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasReview
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Review
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasStatus
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- gi2mo:IdeaContestStatus
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasSubmissionMethod
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:SubmissionMethod
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasSupplement
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Review
- Range:
- gi2mo:Review
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasTag
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- http://scot-project.org/scot/ns#Tag
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- sioc:topic
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:hasVersionInfo
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:isLinkedBy
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:MinMaxRating
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Metric
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Metric
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Attachment
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:MinMaxRating
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Comment
- gi2mo:User
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- gi2mo:IdeaTag
- Inverse:
- gi2mo:follows
- OWL Type:
- ObjectProperty
- sub-property-of:
- gi2mo:hasRelated
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Idea
- Range:
- gi2mo:Idea
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:UpDownRating
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:UpDownRating
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Rating
- Range:
- xsd:int
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:Description
- gi2mo:Review
- gi2mo:IdeaTag
- gi2mo:UserGroup
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory
- gi2mo:IdeaContest
- gi2mo:Idea
- gi2mo:SubmissionMethod
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:User
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Range:
- xsd:string
- OWL Type:
- DatatypeProperty
- Domain:
- gi2mo:VersionInfo
- Range:
- xsd:int
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaContestStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaContestStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaContestStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:AccessType
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:IdeaStatus
- RDF Type:
- gi2mo:AccessType
- Added idea relationship properties based on Gi2MO Links model: gi2mo:follows, gi2mo:proceeds, gi2mo:describesRelatedObject, gi2mo:describesSameObject, gi2mo:extends, gi2mo:isExtendedBy, gi2mo:complements, gi2mo:excludes, gi2mo:generalizes, gi2mo:details, gi2mo:alternativeIdea, gi2mo:alternativeSolution, gi2mo:isDisjoint
- gi2mo:hasDuplicate is not symmetrical now and has an inverse property called gi2mo:isDuplicateOf, both are sub-relations of gi2mo:describesSameObject
- added a number of properties to improve navigation for idea versioning data: gi2mo:Idea class now has gi2mo:hasNextVersion, gi2mo:hasPreviousVersion and gi2mo:currentVersion; while gi2mo:VersionInfo class now has two additional properties gi2mo:hasNextVersionInfo and gi2mo:hasPreviousVersionInfo
- refreshed the UML diagram for the ontology to reflect new changes
- added links to ontology extensions: IdeaStream ontology and Gi2MO Wave ontology
- gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem class added. It allows to refer to a particular instance of an Idea Management System and acts as a container to aggregate all data of that instance
- gi2mo:hasIdea and gi2mo:isIdeaOf properties added. They model references to ideas without an IdeaContest but created in an IdeaManagementSystem
- gi2mo:postsNumber and gi2mo:ideasNumber properties are depreciated. Use gi2mo:hasMeric relationship for gi2mo:User instead
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory is depreciated now, we recommend the use of skos:Concept instead. The gi2mo property pointing to a category remains the same as before (gi2mo:hasCategory)
- refreshed the UML diagram for the ontology
- All entities have been supplied with rdf:isDefinedBy property that points to the ontology entity
- A new property gi2mo:hasOrigin has been added to facilitate expressing provenance of ideas
- The range value limitation has been removed for a number of properties connected to expressing relationships between ideas to enable linking between Idea Management Systems and other enterprise/public systems
- gi2mo:Idea has a new property gi2mo:hasContributor that points to people that participate in idea creation or improving
- gi2mo:Attachment has a new property gi2mo:hasCreator to relate to a person that created an attachment
- gi2mo:Comment has a new property gi2mo:hasAttachment to describe attachments
- gi2mo:Comment has a new property gi2mo:hasComment to describe nested comments
- gi2mo:Comment has a new property gi2mo:hasReview to facilitate ranking comments
- gi2mo:User has a new property gi2mo:hasAvatar to point to user avatar URL
- gi2mo:User has a new property gi2mo:fullName to describe users full name
- gi2mo:User has a new property gi2mo:organizationPosition to describe user's position/occupation in the organisation/company
- gi2mo:User has a new property gi2mo:organizationPosition to describe user's position/occupation in the organisation/company
- gi2mo:User has a new property gi2mo:postsNumber to describe user's posting activity
- gi2mo:User has a new property gi2mo:ideasNumber to describe user's idea generation activity
- Replaced a number of properties and classes with external ontologies
- gi2mo:title, gi2mo:created, gi2mo:description are deprecated, usage of dcterms:title, dcterms:created and dcterms:description is advised
- gi2mo:username is deprecated, use foaf:accountName instead, additionally gi2mo:User is a subclass of foaf:OnlineAccount now
- gi2mo:primaryTopic is deprecated, use foaf:page instead
- gi2mo:Tag is deprecated, use scot:Tag and tags:Tagging instead
- gi2mo:Project is deprecated, use doap:Project instead
- gi2mo:IdeaCategory renamed to gi2mo:Category to enable categorisation of more then just ideas.
- gi2mo:Review has a new gi2mo:hasCategory property
- gi2mo:Idea has a new gi2mo:hasTagging property
- gi2mo:accessRight is deprecated, use gi2mo:hasAccessRight
- gi2mo:AccessRight class added to describe access right, use instances gi2mo:ReadAccess and gi2mo:WriteAccess to describe access rights now
- First version of the document
This version: | http://purl.org/gi2mo/0.6/ns (RDF/XML, HTML) |
Latest version: | http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns |
Editors: | Adam Westerski |
Authors: | Adam Westerski |
Contributors: | See acknowledgements |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. This copyright applies to the Gi2MO Ontology Specification and accompanying documentation in RDF. This ontology uses W3C's RDF technology, an open Web standard that can be freely used by anyone.
Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology (Gi2MO) is a standardised data schema (also referred as "ontology" or "vocabulary") designed to annotate and describe resources gathered inside Idea Management facilities. The following document contains the description of ontology and instructions how to connect it with descriptions of other resources.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
The following specification is a formal description of metadata schema proposal that can be applied to data gathered in the so-called Idea Management Systems. The goal of the following section is to introduce both Semantic Web and Idea Management experts to the topic and goals of the ontology and provide the basic knowledge to comprehend the technical part of the specification.
An important note is that Gi2MO ontology is not a complete model of the Idea Management System. It marly defines concepts that are not described yet by the means of other ontologies. For detailed instructions how to completely model Idea Management Systems with Gi2MO and other ontologies see homepage of the Gi2MO project.
1.1 Idea Management Systems and Innovation Management Process
The Idea Management Systems are referred most often as an application used by organisations to collect input about various ideas regarding their products and services; and manage them afterwards providing certain assessment and screening facilities.
Although, the concept of such systems and vendors that deliver them are available on the market for quite a while, the scope and technologies involved are constantly evolving. The most most basic idea management process includes:
In relation to other IT systems used in modern organisations, at the time of writing this specification the Idea Management Systems have not been yet introduced as a standard component by the key players as part of their ERP, PLM/PLCM or CRM suites. Idea Management, in relation to those systems, is still being considered as a rising market and a complementary solution that can be supplied depending on organisation's interest in investment in innovation.
In relation to other processes run in the modern enterprises, Idea Management can be defined as part of Innovation Management Process run as part of innovation strategy in many contemporary enterprises. Idea Management is perceived as complementary solution to this process that delivers tools that can enhance the successfulness of the innovation management process and open it to new possibilities.
1.2 The Semantic Web
The Semantic Web is a W3C initiative that aims to introduce rich metadata to the current Web and provide machine readable and processable data as a supplement to human-readable Web.
Semantic Web is a mature domain that has been in research phase for many years and with the increasing amount of commercial interest and emerging products is starting to gain appreciation and popularity as one of the rising trends for the future Internet.
One of the corner stores of the Semantic Web is research on inter-linkable and interoperable data schemas for information published online. Those schemas are often referred to as ontologies or vocabularies. In order to facilitate the concept of ontologies that lead to a truly interoperable Web of Data, W3C has proposed a series of technologies such as RDF and OWL. Gi2MO uses those technologies and the research that comes within to propose an ontology set in the domain of Idea Management.
1.3 What is Gi2MO for?
The goals of the Gi2MO ontology to achieve as a data schema are:
1.4 Ontology Extensions
The Gi2MO ontology can fulfil additional requirements and be adjusted to individual use cases through ontology extensions. Some of the currently maintained extensions of Gi2MO Ontology are:
2. Gi2MO ontology at a glance
An alphabetical index of Gi2MO terms, by class (concepts) and by property (relationships, attributes), are given below. All the terms are hyperlinked to their detailed description for quick reference.
Classes: AccessContolList, AccessType, Attachment, Category, Comment, Description, Idea, IdeaCategory, IdeaContest, IdeaContestStatus, IdeaManagementSystem, IdeaStatus, IdeaTag, Metric, MinMaxRating, Project, Rating, Review, SubmissionMethod, TextualReview, UpDownRating, User, UserGroup, VersionInfo,
Properties: accessRight, complements, content, created, currentVersion, describesPartOf, describesRelatedObject, describesSameObject, description, details, endDate, excludes, extends, firstName, follows, fullname, generalizes, hasAccessContol, hasAccessRight, hasAttachment, hasAvatar, hasBinaryContent, hasCategory, hasComment, hasContributor, hasCreator, hasDescription, hasDuplicate, hasEditor, hasIdea, hasIdeaContest, hasImplementation, hasInputEndpoint, hasMember, hasMetric, hasNextVersion, hasNextVersionInfo, hasOrigin, hasPreviousVersion, hasPreviousVersionInfo, hasRelated, hasReview, hasSimilar, hasStatus, hasSubCategory, hasSubmissionMethod, hasSupplement, hasTag, hasTagging, hasTopCategory, hasVersionInfo, ideasNumber, isAccessControlOf, isAccountOf, isAlternativeIdea, isAlternativeSolution, isAttachmentOf, isCategoryOf, isCommentOf, isContributorOf, isCreatorOf, isDescribedIn, isDescriptionOf, isDisjoint, isDuplicateOf, isEditorOf, isExtendedBy, isIdeaContestOf, isIdeaOf, isImplementationOf, isLinkedBy, isMemberOf, isMergedFrom, isMergedInto, isMetricOf, isOriginOf, isReviewOf, isStatusOf, isSubmissionMethodOf, isSupplementOf, isTagOf, isTopicOf, isVersionInfoOf, lastName, linksTo, maxRatingValue, mboxSha1sum, metricUnit, metricValue, mimeType, minRatingValue, modificationType, organizationPosition, postsNumber, primaryTopic, proceeds, ratingDownValue, ratingUpValue, ratingValue, startDate, title, username, versionDate, versionNumber,
Instances: Accepted, Active, AlreadyExists, Closed, Deployed, Draft, Implemented, PartialyImplemented, PendingReviews, ReadAccess, Rejected, UnderReview, WriteAccess,
3. Gi2MO ontology overview
The Gi2MO UML diagram presented below shows connections between classes that implement the data model of Idea Management Systems.

3.1. Example
A very basic example below shows a single idea annotated with Gi2MO metadata:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/idea/012345"> <foaf:page rdf:resource="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/ideaView?id=012345"/> <gi2mo:hasCreator rdf:resource="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/user/Pablo"/> <gi2mo:content>I often forget keys to the laboratory, so i think it would be great to install a card access lock with a reader for chips in spanish ID </gi2mo:content> <dcterms:title>Card-lock for laboratory door</gi2mo:title> <dcterms:created>2010-02-23</gi2mo:created> <gi2mo:hasStatus rdf:resource="http://www.upm.es/gi2mo#Implemented"/> <gi2mo:hasComment rdf:resource="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/comment/054321"/> <gi2mo:hasComment rdf:resource="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/comment/054322"/> <gi2mo:hasCategory rdf:resource="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/category/General"/> <gi2mo:hasDuplicate rdf:resource="http://lab.gsi.dit.upm.es/apache/adam/gsideas/idea/02345"/> </rdf:Description>
For more examples please see a Gi2MO RDF export for a simple Idea Management System instance installed on lab GSI severs.
4. Cross-reference for Gi2MO classes and properties
Below see a comprehensive list of all Gi2MO classes, properties and their descriptions.
Class: gi2mo:AccessContolList
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#AccessContolList
AccessControlList - An instance of this class indicates the access rights for particular users to a resource that it is connected to (e.g. write privilages for a given idea or idea contest).
Class: gi2mo:AccessType
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#AccessType
AccessType - Defines access type to a resouce. See class instances for possible options.
Class: gi2mo:Attachment
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Attachment
Attachment - An instance of this class represents attachment of any entity in idea management system (e.g. image attachment to idea).
Class: gi2mo:Category
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Category
Category - An instance of this class represents a category defined to classify ideas or other assets in the Idea Management system. For ideas predefined categories are commonly used in many systems to group ideas by topic (e.g. in IM system for computer equipment vendor categories could be Desktops; Latops etc.). For reviews this property can be used to groups reviews by type (e.g. "Return of Investment" , "Customer Benefit" , "Cost analysis" etc.) (Deprecated. Use skos:Concept instead to describe categories for ideas and other assets of the Idea Management System.)
Class: gi2mo:Comment
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Comment
Comment - An instance of this class represents comments attached to other entities throughout the idea management system (e.g. comments for idea, idea contests, reviews etc.)
Class: gi2mo:Description
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Description
Description - An instance of this class models any textual description that is added as a supplement to the basic textual content of an entitiy of an Idea Management system. For example this can be a special description of an idea (e.g. Beneficiaries described seperatly from the idea summary).
Class: gi2mo:Idea
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Idea
Idea - An instance of this class represents a single idea stored in the Idea Management system.
Class: gi2mo:IdeaCategory
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#IdeaCategory
IdeaCategory - An instance of this class represents a category defined to classify ideas in the Idea Management system. (Deprecated. Use skos:Concept instead to describe categories for ideas and other assets of the Idea Management System.)
Class: gi2mo:IdeaContest
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#IdeaContest
IdeaContest - An instance of this class represents the so-called Idea Contests (also referred as "idea campaign", "idea event" etc.). Idea contests are events that stimulate idea submission, bind ideas tematically and attach their collection to a particular time period.
Class: gi2mo:IdeaContestStatus
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#IdeaContestStatus
IdeaContestStatus - An instance of this class describes status of idea contest. For a list of recommended instances of this class see the individuals list associated to this class in the ontology definition.
Class: gi2mo:IdeaManagementSystem
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#IdeaManagementSystem
IdeaManagementSystem - An instance of this class represents an Idea Management Systems as a container for knowledge associated to the Idea Management process. The class modells the relationships that the systems has with it's data.
Class: gi2mo:IdeaStatus
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#IdeaStatus
IdeaStatus - An instance of this class describes status that idea and indicates the position of the idea in the Idea Management life cycle (e.g. Draft, Implemented, Deployed etc.) For a list of recommended instances of this class see the individuals list associated to this class in the ontology definition.
Class: gi2mo:IdeaTag
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#IdeaTag
IdeaTag - An instance of this class models tags associates to idea in the Idea Management system. (Deprecated. Use scot:Tag and tags:Tagging instead to describe tags in the Idea Management system.)
Class: gi2mo:Metric
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Metric
Metric - This class models any metrics related to Ideas. For exampe Idea Deployment metrics (Revenue, ROI etc.) or any other metrics associated to the idea as it progresses across the idea pipeline (idea implementation cost, idea assessment costs etc.) The metric can be associated with an individual Idea or an Idea contest.
Class: gi2mo:MinMaxRating
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#MinMaxRating
MinMaxRating - An instance of this class describes a rating where users giving votes have to select a value from a predefined scale (for example 1..10).
Class: gi2mo:Project
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Project
Project - Represents a project that implements an idea. (Deprecated. Use doap:project instead.)
Class: gi2mo:Rating
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Rating
Rating - An instance of this class describes a numberical rating attached to the idea. E.g. star review or a quantified reivew.
Class: gi2mo:Review
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Review
Review - An instance of this class indentifies review of a idea. This can be, a textual review, a rating or any kind of assessment made by a number people (e.g. star reviews done by users but also idea assessment made by internal company reviewers). The instance of this class can be used both to describe a single review action (connected to a user thus having hasCreator property) or a global review summary (e.g. description summerizion all votes and combined rating value). If not sufficient is recommended to extend this class via inheritace mechanism and add additional type of idea assessment that is particular for a given implementation of Idea Management System.
Class: gi2mo:SubmissionMethod
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#SubmissionMethod
SubmissionMethod - An instance of this describes an input interface (e.g. device or software) that was used to submit an idea. This class can be used for Idea Management systems that have many data entry points, for example web forms, collaborative tools, mobile device access etc. Also this class can be used to interlink detailed input information encoded via other ontologies through rdfs:seeAlso (e.g. operating system, browser, screen size etc. can be expressed in DCCI Ontology).
Class: gi2mo:TextualReview
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#TextualReview
TextualReview - An instance of this class models a textual review of any kind attached to the idea.
Class: gi2mo:UpDownRating
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#UpDownRating
UpDownRating - An instance of this class describes a rating type where users only vote up or down, without any particular grading scale. In case of modeling a single vote ratingValue can be set to 1 or -1.
Class: gi2mo:User
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#User
User - An instance of this class models a user account in the Idea Management system. User types can be defined by creating UserGroups.
Class: gi2mo:UserGroup
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#UserGroup
UserGroup - An instance of this class allows to group users to reflect the user mangement model popular in many IT systems.
Class: gi2mo:VersionInfo
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#VersionInfo
VersionInfo - An instance of this class allows to attach versioning information to ideas.
Property: gi2mo:accessRight
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#accessRight
accessRight - Describes type of access privileges (READ, WRITE) (Deprecated. Use gi2mo:hasAccessRight object property instead.)
Property: gi2mo:complements
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#complements
complements - Indicates ideas that complete each other (e.g. one idea supplementing a solution ommited by the other but necessary for implementation).
Property: gi2mo:content
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#content
content - Textual content associated to an entity (e.g. user entered idea summary, comment text, review text etc.)
Property: gi2mo:created
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#created
created - Creation date. (Deprecated. Use dcterms:created instead.)
Property: gi2mo:currentVersion
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#currentVersion
currentVersion - Property used for idea versioning, indicates that the object describes the most up to date version of an idea.
Property: gi2mo:describesPartOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#describesPartOf
describesPartOf - Indicates that an idea incudes a description of what has been proposed in another idea but they might not have been merged. For example: single complex idea describes improving a laptop model and can include ideas about new keyboard, new screen that are submitted also as seperate ideas by other users.
Property: gi2mo:describesRelatedObject
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#describesRelatedObject
describesRelatedObject - Points to an idea that describes innovation for a different object or topic but somehow related to the current one (e.g. one object being part of the other, objects in offering of the same company branch, objects of similar use etc.).
Property: gi2mo:describesSameObject
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#describesSameObject
describesSameObject - Points to an idea that describes innovation for the same object or topic.
Property: gi2mo:description
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#description
description - Text providing a description of an entity (e.g. idea category or idea contest description) (Deprecated. Use dcterms:description instead.)
Property: gi2mo:details
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#details
details - Indicates that the currently described idea presents a more detailed description of another idea or its element.
Property: gi2mo:endDate
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#endDate
endDate - Indicates end date of an event.
Property: gi2mo:excludes
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#excludes
excludes - Indicates ideas that exclude each others implementation, i.e. implementing one of those ideas makes the other impossible to apply (e.g. contradictory ideas, where one proposes addition of particular feature while the other advocates its absence).
Property: gi2mo:extends
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#extends
extends - Indicates that the current idea is an extension to some other idea (e.g. adds some new concepts or proposes to do some innovative thing in a different way).
Property: gi2mo:firstName
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#firstName
firstName - First name of a user.
Property: gi2mo:follows
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#follows
follows - Indicates that the implementation of this idea should follow some other idea (i.e. the some other idea is a requirement for implementation of the described one).
Property: gi2mo:fullname
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#fullname
fullname - Users full name. Depending on the culture/nationality can be more then just a joint of gi2mo:firstName+gi2mo:lastName.
Property: gi2mo:generalizes
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#generalizes
generalizes - Indicates that the currently described idea presents a more broad perspective than some other idea and encapsulates it on a more generic level.
Property: gi2mo:hasAccessContol
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasAccessContol
hasAccessControl - Property indicating an Idea/idea contest having certain collaborations permissions (e.g. public, private, editable for all etc). In case of Idea Contests this propery can be used to indicate who can take part in the competition.
Property: gi2mo:hasAccessRight
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasAccessRight
hasAccessRight - Indicates that access control list describes privilages for a certain type of access right.
Property: gi2mo:hasAttachment
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasAttachment
hasAttachment - Property indicating an Idea having an Attachment.
Property: gi2mo:hasAvatar
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasAvatar
hasAvatar - Point to an avatar (picture) of a user
Property: gi2mo:hasBinaryContent
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasBinaryContent
hasBinaryContent - Link (URL or URI) to the attachment (file)
Property: gi2mo:hasCategory
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasCategory
hasCategory - Property indicating the category of idea or a review.
Property: gi2mo:hasComment
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasComment
hasComment - Property indicating an idea or other entity having a comment.
Property: gi2mo:hasContributor
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasContributor
hasContributor - Indicates that an idea has a particular contributor ( a person that did not create the idea but now activly participates in its improval/evolution)
Property: gi2mo:hasCreator
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasCreator
hasCreator - Property indicating an idea being created by a certain User.
Property: gi2mo:hasDescription
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasDescription
hasDescription - This property indicates that an idea or another entity of the Idea Management systems (e.g. idea contest) has a more broad description then just the standard summary (e.g. idea benefits or idea contest requirements).
Property: gi2mo:hasDuplicate
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasDuplicate
hasDuplicate - Indicates identical ideas.
Property: gi2mo:hasEditor
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasEditor
hasEditor - Indicates the user responible for change
Property: gi2mo:hasIdea
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasIdea
hasIdea - Indicates an idea that was posted inside a particular Idea Management System instance.
Property: gi2mo:hasIdeaContest
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasIdeaContest
hasIdeaContest - Property indicating an idea being part of a Idea Contest or an Idea Contest being posted within an IdeaManagementSystem instance .
Property: gi2mo:hasImplementation
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasImplementation
hasImplementation - Indicates idea having an implementation as a product or a feature
Property: gi2mo:hasInputEndpoint
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasInputEndpoint
hasEndpoint - Indicates the data entry endpoint of the submission method. This can be a web form URL, a web service address, a device URI etc.
Property: gi2mo:hasMember
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasMember
hasMember - Describes Access Contol List/ UserGroup having a certain member(s).
Property: gi2mo:hasMetric
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasMetric
hasMetric - Associates an idea or idea contest with a metric.
Property: gi2mo:hasNextVersion
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasNextVersion
hasNextVersion - If exists, this property points to an Idea Object that is the next version of the described idea. New version of an idea can introduce new relationship, new idea content, split authorship etc.
Property: gi2mo:hasNextVersionInfo
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasNextVersionInfo
hasNextVersionInfo - If exists, this property points to version information of idea created after the ones describe by this version.
Property: gi2mo:hasOrigin
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasOrigin
hasOrigin - Indicates that an idea origines (was created based on other) idea.
Property: gi2mo:hasPreviousVersion
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasPreviousVersion
hasPreviousVersion - If exists, this property points to an idea which is the previous version of the currently described one. Idea versioning can be used to indicate changes in idea relationships, extensions in idea content, or changes in authorship.
Property: gi2mo:hasPreviousVersionInfo
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasPreviousVersionInfo
hasPreviousVersionInfo - If exists, this property points to the previous version information of the same idea.
Property: gi2mo:hasRelated
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasRelated
- Describes relations between ideas and other resources, without specifying exact link type.
Property: gi2mo:hasReview
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasReview
hasReview - Indicates an idea having a reivew
Property: gi2mo:hasSimilar
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasSimilar
hasSimilar - Indicates similar idea but not duplicates (e.g. idea about improving car appearance, and idea about car speed; both can mention new type of tires but also a number of different elements).
Property: gi2mo:hasStatus
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasStatus
hasStatus - Property indicating an Idea or IdeaContest have a given status. In case of ideas, this gives information about the position of the idea in the idea life cycle (e.g. newly submited idea, under review, implmented etc.).
Property: gi2mo:hasSubCategory
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasSubCategory
hasSubCategory - Describes relationship between categories where one is classified as a part of another. (Deprecated. Use skos:narrower instead.)
Property: gi2mo:hasSubmissionMethod
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasSubmissionMethod
hasSubmissionMethod - Property indicating an Idea being created with a particular submission method or device (e.g. thought web CMS, via call phone etc).
Property: gi2mo:hasSupplement
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasSupplement
- Indicates review being a supplement to another review (e.g. this can be used to model textual information added to Rating Review or to create compound reviews made of many ratings etc.)
Property: gi2mo:hasTag
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasTag
hasTag - Property indicating tag associated to the idea - a user created categorization of an idea.
Property: gi2mo:hasTagging
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasTagging
hasTag - Indicates that an idea has been tagged by a certain person at a certain point of time. The following property points to a class that describes an activity of tagging while gi2mo:hasTag points to a Tag itself.
Property: gi2mo:hasTopCategory
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasTopCategory
hasTopCategory - Describes relationship between categories where one is classified as a part of another. (Deprecated. Use skos:broader instead.)
Property: gi2mo:hasVersionInfo
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#hasVersionInfo
hasVersionInfo - Indicates that Idea has been modified over time and has more then 1 version
Property: gi2mo:ideasNumber
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#ideasNumber
ideasNumber - Number of ideas posted by a user. (Deprecated. Use gi2mo:Metric instead to describe metrics for gi2mo:User.)
Property: gi2mo:isAccessControlOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isAccessControlOf
isAccessControlOf - Property indicating that access control list is attached to a certain resource (e.g. idea). In case of Idea Contests this propery can be used to indicate who can take part in the competition.
Property: gi2mo:isAccountOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isAccountOf
isAccountOf - Indicates that account belongs to a particular person that has a foaf description.
Property: gi2mo:isAlternativeIdea
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isAlternativeIdea
isAlternativeIdea - Indicates a completely different idea that in effect is impossible to implement together with this one (e.g. ideaA: add some element to an object, ideaB: remove an object entirely from the offering).
Property: gi2mo:isAlternativeSolution
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isAlternativeSolution
isAlternativeSolution - Points to an idea that refers to the same object or topic, the same problem but solved in a different way (e.g. adding a new element to a product but in two completely different ways that exlude each other implementation).
Property: gi2mo:isAttachmentOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isAttachmentOf
isAttachementOf - Property indicating an attachment being associated to an idea/idea contest.
Property: gi2mo:isCategoryOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isCategoryOf
isCategoryOf - Property indicating the idea that a category characterises a particular entity in the Idea Management System.
Property: gi2mo:isCommentOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isCommentOf
isCommentOf - Property indicating an comment being attached to a certain resource.
Property: gi2mo:isContributorOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isContributorOf
isContributorOf - Indicates a person being a contributor in a certain idea (not the original creator but a participant in idea creation or improval)
Property: gi2mo:isCreatorOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isCreatorOf
isCreatorOf - Property indicating that User is an author of a certain resource.
Property: gi2mo:isDescribedIn
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isDescribedIn
isDescribedPartiallyBy - Indicates that an idea (as a whole) is described in the text of another idea. For example: single complex idea describes improving a laptop model and can include ideas about new keyboard, new screen that are also submitted as seperate ideas by other users.
Property: gi2mo:isDescriptionOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isDescriptionOf
isDescriptionOf - This property indicates that the description is attached to a certain idea or another resource in the Idea Management systems (e.g. idea contest).
Property: gi2mo:isDisjoint
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isDisjoint
isDisjoint - Indicates that two ideas are not related to each other in any way.
Property: gi2mo:isDuplicateOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isDuplicateOf
isDuplicateOf - Indicates that an idea has been marked as duplicating the content of some other. This property can be used to distinguish between ideas that do not duplicate each other (i.e. not identical) but only one idea copying content of the other (and not the other way around).
Property: gi2mo:isEditorOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isEditorOf
isEditorOf - Indicates that user has created (edited) a certain version of an idea.
Property: gi2mo:isExtendedBy
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isExtendedBy
isExtendedBy - Indicates that the described idea is a subject of extension by some other idea (e.g. some other idea details the current one or adds some new point of view on the same topic).
Property: gi2mo:isIdeaContestOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isIdeaContestOf
isIdeaContestOf - Indicates an idea that belongs to an idea contest; optionally a Contests being posted in a particular Idea Management System.
Property: gi2mo:isIdeaOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isIdeaOf
isIdeaOf - Indicates an Idea Management System in which the idea has been posted.
Property: gi2mo:isImplementationOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isImplementationOf
isImplementationOf - Describes that project is a result of previously submitted idea.
Property: gi2mo:isLinkedBy
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isLinkedBy
isMentionedBy - This property can be used to link idea with any other entities that mention it (e.g. via links or citations). This can include both entities inside the Idea Management system, however also objects outside the system (e.g. Twitter comments, forums posts, blogs posts etc.).
Property: gi2mo:isMemberOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isMemberOf
isMemberOf - Describes that a User or a UserGroup are a member of other entity (Access Control List, UserGroup)
Property: gi2mo:isMergedFrom
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isMergedFrom
isMergedFrom - Indicates that an Idea was created out of merging other ideas or resources
Property: gi2mo:isMergedInto
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isMergedInto
isMergedInto - Indicates an idea has been marged into a "master" idea.
Property: gi2mo:isMetricOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isMetricOf
isMetricOf - Indicates that a metric is associated to and idea or idea contest
Property: gi2mo:isOriginOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isOriginOf
isOriginOf - Indicates that an idea was the base for creation of some other idea.
Property: gi2mo:isReviewOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isReviewOf
isReviewOf - Indicates a review being assigned to an idea.
Property: gi2mo:isStatusOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isStatusOf
isStatusOf - Indicates Status being assigned to a particular idea or idea contest.
Property: gi2mo:isSubmissionMethodOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isSubmissionMethodOf
isSubmissionMethodOf - Indicates that a submission method has been used to create certain idea.
Property: gi2mo:isSupplementOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isSupplementOf
isSupplementOf - Indicates review being a supplement to another review (e.g. this can be used to model textual information added to Rating Review or to create compound reviews made of many ratings etc.)
Property: gi2mo:isTagOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isTagOf
isTagOf - Indicates that a tag is assigned to a certain Idea or other resourece
Property: gi2mo:isTopicOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isTopicOf
isTopicOf - Indicates that an idea is a topic of some other resource. (e.g. forum, blog post, twitter post, news article etc.)
Property: gi2mo:isVersionInfoOf
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#isVersionInfoOf
isVersionOf - Indicates that version info is attached to a certain idea or other resource under version control.
Property: gi2mo:lastName
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#lastName
surname - Surname of a user.
Property: gi2mo:linksTo
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#linksTo
linksTo - Describes idea linking to other assets (e.g. can be used to list all hyperlinks associated in the idea summary)
Property: gi2mo:maxRatingValue
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#maxRatingValue
maxRatingValue - Defines maximal possible value for the rating.
Property: gi2mo:mboxSha1sum
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#mboxSha1sum
mboxSha1sum - user mailbox sha1 sum
Property: gi2mo:metricUnit
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#metricUnit
metricUnit - Identified in what kind of unit metric is defined (e.g. for money related metrics it can be currency: USD, EUR, for effort related metrics it can be KLOC etc.).
Property: gi2mo:metricValue
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#metricValue
metricValue - Identified the value of a metric
Property: gi2mo:mimeType
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#mimeType
mimeType - Indicates the MIME type of the attachment (e.g. image/jpg, audio/mp3)
Property: gi2mo:minRatingValue
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#minRatingValue
minRatingValue - Defines minimal possible value for the rating.
Property: gi2mo:modificationType
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#modificationType
modificationType - Indicates what type of modification has been performed (edit, delete etc)
Property: gi2mo:organizationPosition
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#organizationPosition
organizationPosition - Describes the occupation of the employee in the organisation.
Property: gi2mo:postsNumber
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#postsNumber
postsNumber - Number of posts done by a user (Deprecated. Use gi2mo:Metric instead to describe metrics for gi2mo:User.)
Property: gi2mo:primaryTopic
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#primaryTopic
primaryTopic - Describes the original web resources that the class models. (Deprecated. Use foaf:page instead)
Property: gi2mo:proceeds
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#proceeds
proceeds - Indicates that the described idea is a subject of extension by some other idea (e.g. some other idea details the current one or adds some new point of view on the same topic).
Property: gi2mo:ratingDownValue
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#ratingDownValue
ratingDownValue - Amount of times people voted down.
Property: gi2mo:ratingUpValue
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#ratingUpValue
ratingUpValue - Amount of times people voted up.
Property: gi2mo:ratingValue
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#ratingValue
ratingValue - Numerical value of the rating
Property: gi2mo:startDate
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#startDate
startDate - Indicates starting date of an event.
Property: gi2mo:title
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#title
title - Describes the title of an entity (e.g. idea title, idea contest tile, review title etc.). (Deprecated. Use dcterms:title instead.)
Property: gi2mo:username
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#username
username - Username of a user. (Deprecated. Use foaf:accountName instead.)
Property: gi2mo:versionDate
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#versionDate
versionDate - Version creation or modification date.
Property: gi2mo:versionNumber
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#versionNumber
versionNumber - Indicates version number
Instance: gi2mo:Accepted
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Accepted
Accepted - Indicates an idea that has been accepted for implementation.
Instance: gi2mo:Active
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Active
Active - Indicates an idea contest is active and accepting idea submissions.
Instance: gi2mo:AlreadyExists
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#AlreadyExists
AlreadyExists - Indicates that the following idea has been already implemented the moment it was submitted.
Instance: gi2mo:Closed
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Closed
Closed - Indicates an idea contest is closed, no loger accepting idea submissions and has been kept in the system for achival purposes and possible future reference.
Instance: gi2mo:Deployed
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Deployed
Deployed - Indicates an idea that has been implemented as a product and deployed on the market.
Instance: gi2mo:Draft
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Draft
Draft - Indicates an new idea submitted to the system.
Instance: gi2mo:Implemented
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Implemented
Implemented - Indicates an idea that was accepted and later implemented.
Instance: gi2mo:PartialyImplemented
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#PartialyImplemented
PartialyImplemented - Indicates that an ideas has been accepted for implementation but only partially implemented.
Instance: gi2mo:PendingReviews
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#PendingReviews
PendingReviews - Indicates that an idea contest is currently closed for submissions but the subbmited ideas have not recieved their reviews and their statuses may be subject of change. This status should be used when the idea contest organizers decie to close submissions and start review process to choose the winners of the competition.
Instance: gi2mo:ReadAccess
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#ReadAccess
ReadAccess - Read access rights
Instance: gi2mo:Rejected
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#Rejected
Rejected - Indicates an idea that has been rejected and shall not be implemented.
Instance: gi2mo:UnderReview
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#UnderReview
UnderReview - Indicates an idea being under review.
Instance: gi2mo:WriteAccess
URI: http://purl.org/gi2mo/ns#WriteAccess
WriteAccess - Write access right
A Changelog
B Acknowledgements
This documentation has been generated automatically from the most recent ontology specification in OWL using a python script called SpecGen. The style formatting has been inspired on FOAF specification.
Special thanks for support with ontology creation and research to: Prof. Carlos A. Iglesias and members of the GSI Group of DIT department of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.