New articles on Idea Management research from JSMO Journal

| March 16, 2015

For the past year, joined by a number of experts from Idea Management area, we collaborated with the Journal of Social Media for Organizations (JSMO) to bring an interesting package of articles that would report on the recent Idea Management research and interesting case studies of ongoing projects. Today, as a result of this collaboration, […]

Gi2MO IdeaStream v1.8 released: custom taxonomies, internationalisation support and many more

| November 2, 2013

Today we are happy to bring you yet another update for our flagship open-source Idea Management System – Gi2MO IdeaStream! This time the core focus went to improvement for the visual side of IdeaStream and adding some features that make accessing IdeaStream functionality easier. All new updates are present in both our themes: IdeaStream classic […]

Faces of Idea Management: Gi2MO IdeaStream redesigns in various case studdies

| March 11, 2013

Our open source Idea Management System – Gi2MO IdeaStream is built on top of a platform called Drupal. Drupal is a Content Management System (CMS) that delivers huge flexibility in terms of looks (themes) and functionality (modules). Having deployed IdeaStream in a number of organisations, we would like to highlight how easily and to what […]

Idea Relationship Visualisation with Gi2MO technologies

| March 1, 2013

Some time ago we introduced a new module for IdeaStream called Similarity. The module delivered a number of features that enabled users as well as moderators to mark relationships between ideas automatically detected as similar. Today, we would like to share a research prototype that visualises this relationship data and provides some basic statistics on […]

Article in Decision Support Systems journal on innovation models for Idea Management Systems

| January 5, 2013

For some time now we have been gradually sharing our research on innovation classification, taxonomies and metrics based on innovation models taken from Innovation Management practices. Most notably, we have presented: Gi2MO Types taxonomy – a set of terms for domain independent categorisation of ideas. The taxonomy consists of over 70 terms organised in 4 […]

Gi2MO IdeaStream Similarity v3.0 is out!

| August 2, 2012

Today we are happy to bring you an update of our similarity module for Gi2MO IdeaStream – an Open-Source Idea Management System based on Drupal. The version bump is quite significant (see last 2.0.2 release) but so are the new features! Firstly, we have added similarity types: apart of the full-text search (word frequency), IdeaStream […]

New webpage for IdeaStream

| July 15, 2012

The primary goal of Gi2MO project is research, however in parallel to our investigative work we have put quite some effort into development of software such as our open-source Idea Management System – Gi2MO IdeaStream. We noticed that often people who come to us and want to use IdeaStream are just starting their adventure with […]

New Paper on Idea Life Cycle and Data Dependencies

| October 19, 2011

We are happy to announce another publication from Gi2MO project – “The road from community ideas to organisational innovation: a life cycle survey of idea management systems“. Contrary to the previous ones, this publication is less connected to Semantic Web topics and is more of an introduction to Idea Management Systems. In particular, we present […]

Surfing the Waves of Innovation: On Idea Management and Google Wave Integration

| March 4, 2011

As part of experiments for the Resulta project we are working on research how to use social collaborative platforms to improve interaction between consulting companies and their clients. From the point of view of Gi2MO project we are investigating how Idea Management Systems can help in this ecosystem. Today we would like to present a […]