Gi2MO IdeaStream Similarity v3.0 is out!

| August 2, 2012

Today we are happy to bring you an update of our similarity module for Gi2MO IdeaStream – an Open-Source Idea Management System based on Drupal. The version bump is quite significant (see last 2.0.2 release) but so are the new features! Firstly, we have added similarity types: apart of the full-text search (word frequency), IdeaStream […]

To Measure and Calculate Innovation: Introducing IdeaStream Analyics

| February 29, 2012

We are happy to announce a new addition to our open-source Idea Management System – IdeaStream. In fact, it’s such a grand and distinctive feature that we decided to create a new module so that administrators can choose if they actually want to install or not the new functionality. IdeaStream Analytics adds a new panel […]

OPAL now a Drupal project

| September 25, 2011

A small announcement related to one of the modules developed by us in relation to Marl ontology and the usage of opinion mining in Idea Management Systems. The OPAL (Opinion Analyser) module has been promoted from a sandbox project to a full project at the Drupal homepage. The function of the module is to calculate […]

Using Gi2MO Types with IdeaStream

| September 18, 2011

Some time ago we introduced a new view on classification of ideas. Now we would like to show how to use it together with our open-source Idea Management solution IdeaStream. In addition, this is going to be an example how IdeaStream can be easily extended using other Drupal modules to reach new functionalities that we […]

Gi2MO Idea Stream going open-source

| February 19, 2011

Today we are pleased to announce something different than usual. In parallel to our research on Semantic Web, we decided to do some pure development work and as a result we came up creating a Drupal module that turns this popular CMS into an Idea Management System! Gi2MO IdeaStream does not involve too much custom […]